Single Vs Double Solid White Lines

This page has been put together using Qld road rules legislation as of 2009.
It is in no way purposed or designed to be used for legal defence or legal advice!
It is designed to help you know and obey the road rules.
Not to justify bad driving behaviours.

There are a few ways the centre line markings can be used to indicate what rules are relevant when it comes to turning and overtaking. Some quieter, less used roads don't have a line at all, more frequented roads have a dotted or broken centre line.

In this article we will be looking at the difference between a Single Solid White Line and Double Solid White Lines. Do you know the difference?

Single Solid White Line

Single SolidTurning Right

The first image shows a Single Solid White line down the centre of the road.

Both of these cars ARE permitted to turn right as you are allowed to cross a Single Solid White Line if you are entering or leaving the road. Turning into another road is counted.


You are not permitted to overtake another vehicle where you must cross a Single Solid White Line to do so unless:

  • You need to cross the line to avoid a hazard or obstruction.
  • You are obeying a traffic control device.
  • You are overtaking a bicycle.

But then ONLY if it is SAFE to do so.



Double Solid White Lines

Double Solid

Turning Right

The second image shows a Double Solid White Line down the centre of the road.

Neither of these cars are permitted to make the Right turn they are indicating as you are not permitted to turn over Double white lines unless:

  • There is a break in the lines which you can cross through.


You are not permitted to overtake another vehicle where you must cross a Single Solid White Line to do so unless:

  • You need to cross the line to avoid a hazard or obstruction.
  • You are obeying a traffic control device.
  • You are overtaking a bicycle.

But then ONLY if it is SAFE to do so.

Road Rules are always under review and are often changed or updated. This page was accurate at time of publishing, while we endeavour to keep these pages up to date we may occasionally miss something. You as a road user are expected to keep up to date with the Road Rules.